lördag 31 juli 2010


My new sweet guys *___* My best friend (twin) Josse sent me a video with them and now I'm addicted to them *__* Niel and L.Joe is my favorites :3 ChangJo is cute too :3 or... all of them are cute and HOT *__*

But I was like: WHAT!!? O.o when I read how old they are... just check it out (Niels birthday is wrong.. he's born 16th august):

They've like just debutet so they only got one song ^^' but that one is awesome :3
Here's a live preformance for it:

fredag 30 juli 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Hope you'll have a great daay!!

torsdag 29 juli 2010

A Sorcerer's Apprentice

Came just home :D The movie was AWESOME! I totally loved it! It was fantasy and humor in it!! :3 I just can't describe! XD
And I found the song that's playing in the movie :D It's OneRepublic - Secrets :D It's soo good!


"Argh swush swush wacku wacku" ♥

"I'm singing in the rain~ " okay... serious now .__.
Playing DS, and waiting... b/c tonight I'm gonna see A Sorcers Apprentice on cinema!! :D
With my sister and our friend Lisa^^

12 days left until my birthday! :D Yaaay for 16 years of living!!! XD

onsdag 28 juli 2010


This one is KAT-TUN 2002^^ 8 years ago. But they all looked HOT even then!
This is a cover of Gackt's song: Wasurenai kara.

tisdag 27 juli 2010

Happy Birthday!!

I've forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMO-SAN!! I hope you had a WONDERFUL DAY! :D
I saw on FaceBook that some people commenting that so yeah.. I did also :3


I love their new preformance on M Count Down in Korea! :D An I know.. it's almost a month old but I don't care XD I love this song, but it's sad that Jin isn't with them :( and Koki got Jin's part.. I think someone else could've got that... b/c Koki got ALOT to sing in this preformance D: like, Ueda and Junno didn't got som much for an example?
Anyway, that's just my opinion^^'
And I LOVE how Ueda sings "Rock Your Body" 8DDD

måndag 26 juli 2010

Leafeon ♥

Finally I've got my Leafeon!! I srsly LOVE it!! Soo cute!

And I've also build up a team now!
We're an awesome team! :D

Second thing is I'm gonna say is Rest In Peace Tobias Törsfeldt.. I'm really gonna miss you..!

söndag 25 juli 2010


Now I'm home!^^ and the weekend was AWESOME!!
Here's some of the photos I took, Elin (Lillgoban) got the rest :P
The cake Emelie made:
Elin's old DS (which I buyed XD) and Mickey Mouse :P
Something..... ;)


Mika's Laugh XDDD

Filmed by Emelie with Elin's mobile XD That's me... buried.. XD

fredag 23 juli 2010

Make U Wet ;)

Atm I'm at Emelie's place and where listens to music! :D And drinking.... and eating.. ALOT! XD We have a cake left too.. with strawberrys and Pocky on :D
Now I got to be social with the others! :D

torsdag 22 juli 2010

Arisu Nine-desu

My uncle and cousin came today! :D We have so much fun^^ But atm I'm unsocial and sits here.. just a fast one XD Has to listen to A9 :3 I want to hear Shou's wonderful voice and Hiroto's AWESOME guitar solos!

Alice Nine - RAINBOWS

No, now I'm gonna go and be more social with the others!^^ Tomorrow it's fridaaay!!!

And btw, Elin.... EGG!!! 8DDD

onsdag 21 juli 2010

Lolita23Q new singel!

Sorry for the bad quality but I'm not the uploader^^'


I love this one but I miss Sou D: Soshi is a good vocalist to for Lolita23Q but... It's not like before T___T Sou was like.. aww...


Friday tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hyper*
I'm soo damn happy!! Sooooon!! It's sooon!!! :D:D:D:D:D

Also! here is SHINee's new singel, Lucifer! Very catchy! :D But SuJu's SORRY SORRY is the most catchy ever!!♥♥

Ivve and Bubba

Had to upload this one :3 b/c on friday Elin is gonna bring Ivve (her Ivysaur plushie), and I'm gonna take my Bubba (my bulbasaur plushie) :D We're also gonna take with some other pluhies too, but THE BROS are gonna be the big thing ;)

<-- made by Elin (Lillgoban @ DeviantART)

The funny thing about this is.. I think my Bubba is bigger than Ivve.. XD I haven't seen Ivve "irl" soo I don't know... XD but Bubba is very big soo.. XD

Day by Day

Big Bang - Haru Haru

Addicted to it again.. <3 It's soo wonderful! and SAD! D: Poor GD T__T

I still write on my "take with"-list to friday.. I've packed some stuff already :3 but I still don't know what more to pack... hmm.. *thinking*
Also, I got my money yesterday so I got arond 700 swedish kronor on my "money-bank" soo I can buy Elin's DS AND I can go by bus on friday to Emelie's home^^ awesome! :D

Removing stuff

At the moment I'm removing some programs from my computer that I don't use.. like Dreamweaver CS3.. It doesn't even work on my computer D:
But the remove-process is veeery slow.. I've waited 10 minutes right now and it hasn't come close to the middle of the process.. but it's moving... but slow.. XD

Ah well, waiting for a friend to log in on msn :3 I have to ask her a question about which of her friends are gonna start in my new class... XD

Also I'm waiting for Elin! :D Gonna ask her to take a little thing with her on friday ;)
And soon it's friday!!! I'm so exicted!!! I really hope for good weather! D: I want to have.. this little.. "beach"-party at "Kolsjön" XD

tisdag 20 juli 2010


I'm probably gonna buy Elins old Nitendo DS on friday! :D I'm sooo happy!! I've always wanted a DS and now I maybe will have one! :D Cheap too! And I'l maybe get a Pokemon game also :D


<-- This picture is already up on Elins blogg but I didn't have any other picture of it (a)


Now I've designed my blog a little bit more! :D And now I'm proud of it!^^ It's the most colorfull blog I ever have had in my whole life XD

Now I'm gonna have some food :3 and continue with the chatt with minna-san XD


Oh my, it's soon Wednesday!! And that means soon FRIDAY!! *exicted*
I thinking about how to paint my nails... just ordinary, diffrent colors on each nail, or styled?? I don't have any ideas for styling my nails soo.. I think I'll choose diffrant colors on the nails :3
*intresting, intresting... not*

Anyway, I've started on a new story named "Ablaze My Sorrow", and the story is about a guy named Riku which has dreamed alot of the same weird dream. And he has no idea but when he was 5 he was the one who killed his mother. With his love for her. Does it sound any intresting??
It also is about Sunako. A new girl in Riku's school, which knows about Riku's past and how Riku's mother was killed. And it's about Riku tries not to be in love with Sunako. Because he knows he'll just kill her.
Also it's about the band "5n4l", which means: fve names, four letter. Why they got that name? Well, the memmbers are: Riku, Hide, Hiro, Take and Kami. They're five memebers and all of their name just has four letters.

Insperation from Chariots's song Ablaze My Sorrow.


Ore wa shio

I totally love this one! I've already seen this but today I started listen to JUN (his solo project: Attic, and his band with Iori: Spiv states) again! I love him so much! Those who DARE call him an wannabe of Hide is as good as dead! D:

I'm almost DONE with my... "take with"-list that I've wrote since yesterday XD I have to plan what to take with me on friday... XD

Ablaze My Sorrow

I'm addicted to Chariots again :P and Phantasmagoria... but I think it's mostly Riku I'm addicted to O.o Anyway.. I love Ablaze My Sorrow!! Both the song and Riku is so beautiful in it!


Can't wait until friday!! Three nights at Emelie's place with just partying and food!! XD Damn it's gonna be soo much fun!

Right now I'm watching FDPs new video^^ Twin has such a great voice now!! Sounds just like e guy! :3

måndag 19 juli 2010


Bought: A new belt :)
Candy: Pocky~
Clothes: Rolling stone t-shirt, black hoodie, jeans.
Funniest: Dunno..
Sadest: Found out about Jin's really leaving KAT-TUN D:
Hair style: As usual :P

I think I'll go to sleep soon :P just have to help a friends with her blog^^


Yellow Gold

I just read the news that it's truuuue! Jin really IS leaving KAT-TUN T___T Soo sad srsly... but he will be happy and live his dream^^ that all that matters! That he has a good life!

Anywaaay todaay I went to the city and buyed a new belt! :D And pocky XD
I really like this kinds of belts! :D I had to buy one XD it was pink, white or this one with red :) I choosed red XD I'm soo gonna use this one ALOT in the future! :D
I buyed two Pocky-"boxes" with the two flavors strawberry and chocolate! (b^o^)b

Atm, I'm listening to Yellow Gold by Jin Akanishi, I only listens to a live version b/c the real version isn't realesed.. (or is it??)

Anyways! See ya! \(^o^)/

söndag 18 juli 2010

We thought we could fly!

I'm bored so I'll put this video up :P I was searching for some new music and found this band :D Tokyo Shitei! They're really good!

Yeahh yeahh..

I think I will wright this blog in english so more people will understand what I'm wrighting about XD
A problem is, my english is very bad so I apologize... (oT_____T)p

Anyway, this morning I played Spyro - Enter The Dragonfly, and like.. something weird happen after a time.. XD the picture stopped and I like.. I could go but I didn't see a sh*t XD and I couldn't press start or anything... so I had to press the off bottom (o>___<)o
And then I ended up here XD at the computer...

lördag 17 juli 2010

Redigerar lite

Redigerar och designar lite :) sent på natten.. 01:10 är klockan nu. Haha.
Ska fortsätta med att fixa med bloggen imorgon istället i think^^
