måndag 19 juli 2010

Yellow Gold

I just read the news that it's truuuue! Jin really IS leaving KAT-TUN T___T Soo sad srsly... but he will be happy and live his dream^^ that all that matters! That he has a good life!

Anywaaay todaay I went to the city and buyed a new belt! :D And pocky XD
I really like this kinds of belts! :D I had to buy one XD it was pink, white or this one with red :) I choosed red XD I'm soo gonna use this one ALOT in the future! :D
I buyed two Pocky-"boxes" with the two flavors strawberry and chocolate! (b^o^)b

Atm, I'm listening to Yellow Gold by Jin Akanishi, I only listens to a live version b/c the real version isn't realesed.. (or is it??)

Anyways! See ya! \(^o^)/

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