söndag 31 oktober 2010

I'm sorry..

I'm sorry but I think I won't upload anything more on this blog... I dunno why but I don't like it anymore D: And I've gone back to blogg.se instead.. xD

Some reasons is:
1. I got bored on the design..
2. I'm kinda fed up on writing on english xD
3. Wanted to go back to this HTML-code thingy on blogg.se... I know those MUCH better XD
4. Nothing really happens here... and my new blog is MUCH more awesome xD

fredag 22 oktober 2010

Done with the interview!!

Nu är jag klar med intervjun till svenskan ÄNTLIGEN! Vart ganska lite men jaja xD

Skriver mer när jag kommer hem :D

torsdag 21 oktober 2010


för 8 timmar sen ungefär :3 blev en dotter till! :D


onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Nu ni! xD

Här ska ni få se en liten video jag filmade igår under mangaklubben :D det var menat att de bara skulle vara när Lisa drack blandningen men ja.. jag fortsätt ett tag till xDD

Bored again.. xD

Tänker börja skriva på svenska ist... är allmänt jobbigt att skriva på engelska srsly xD elr typ... kanske skriver ibland men ja.. xD

Sitter iaf nu och lyssnar på Izza och Alex när dom små bråkar xD ruuligt xD
Har haft sovmöra, och ska snart ha matte... bleh! D: hatar det! .__.''

Men jaja! Slutar tidigt idag med!! :D

fredag 15 oktober 2010


OMG I LOVE IT!!! *wwwwww* (although it's just 15 seconds.... xD)


torsdag 14 oktober 2010


Right now I'm in one of the computer-room and... having fun with Sofie, Izza and Elina! :D xD
Soon it's a test in Microsoft Office Word... so boring srsly! D: I don't wanna >__> I'm gonna have an IG (which means an F in english xD)...

Anyway, where listening to music xD it's fuun :3

onsdag 13 oktober 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday, Satoshi!!! :D Hope you had a great day!! :3

Alot today but I'm to lazy to translate it to english xD
Eating bubblizz right now!!! :3 Damn, it really was a while since I ate it! o.o xD

This was a totally unnecessary post! xD

söndag 10 oktober 2010

Golf Mike - Fight For You~

Golf & Mike
I haven't been listening to these two for like.. it feels like YEARS now.. xD
Fight For You is still my favorite!^w^

Hello f(x)

Right now I'm watching Hello f(x) b/c I'm bored... and it's so fun! :3
They're learning thai in this episode I'm watching and did you know that on the internet people from thailand write "5555555" as "hahahaha" cuz 5 is ha in thai! xD
I love language! :D I dunno why I just do xD I'm trying to learn thai, japanese and korean :3

Thai is because I wanna talk it with Tanya and Am :D I only know "Sawatdee" (=Hello) and "Kupkoon" (=Thanks) xD and I also know this about "krahp" (=male) and "kha" (=female), but I wanna learn more!

Japanese I know.. kinda alot actually o.o or well.. I know some words and some sentences but yeahh... got alot more to learn x__x But I know like... "Aishiteru" (=I love you), "Konnichiwa" (=Hello/good day), "konbanwa" (=good evning), "ohayo" (=good morning), "tadaima" (=I'm home), "itadakimasu" (=Thanks for the meal [says it before you start eating]) and a lot more... xD

Korean is well.. actually kinda hard o.o some words are difficult to say xD but I know "Annyeong" (=Hello), "Saranghaeyo" (=I love you), "mianhe" (=I'm sorry), "weh" (=why), "neh" (=yes), "kamsahamnida" (=Thank you), "na begopa" (=I'm hungry) and some more words xD

This was kind of a waste post... xD But as I said in the beginning.. I'm bored! xDD

lördag 9 oktober 2010


Changed the header! :) I like this one more than the one before xD
Watching alot of videos atm! :3 Old Alice Nine-videos.. xD they're so smal!! and so cuute! x3
Also I've got some the new photos of A9 :) Hiroto = SMEX!
And there's a preview now for the karasu - free pv!! :D It looks so awesome! Love the effects!

fredag 8 oktober 2010

SHINee - Hello

To you SHINee fans, which is a little bit after, here's their new mv!^^

Key's soo hawt in this one *ww*

torsdag 7 oktober 2010


Damn, it's been so long since LM.C made a pv!!
And I love this one!!

If you ask me I like this one better then Girugamesh's new one........ xD sorry but that's my opinion... ^^' xD

Computer lesson..

It's soo lazy.. the only thing we're doing is boring things like Word, PowerPoint etc... but I actually doesn't do anything... xD I only do somethings and then I check FaceBook, EmoCore, BDB, YouTube and all the other sites xD
We've laughed alot to day! We sang "Bananer i pyjamas" in well.. our own version... like these (note: pervert swedish stuff... xD):
Bananer i munnen
Bananer i klasen
Bananer i byxan
etc etc... xD
The reason why we started singing like this was that one of our clasmates, Jenny, eats bananas VERY ehm.................. well.. not the normal way.. xDD her way is like.... she sucks it instead of eating it................... xD

When I come later I'll upload some photos I took earlier xD

tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Boredom of DOOM

School school school.... nothing new xD Izza took photos today... xD she like *click, click, click, click* from the same place like... 48 times or something xD so she as a lot of pictures of me drawing... xD
Here's one of them.. the only one she "gave" me... xD

Also, I was a little bit depressed in the morning... but when we had the first lesson (which was "dance") I ended out really happy! xD

On friday I'll end school early! :D cuz my teacher in "photo" is in Stockholm! :D Hope Alex and Izza isn't gonna do something else... thought we could do something xDD

lördag 2 oktober 2010

Pictures from Marten! :D

Think I was texting to Alex while my sister took this photo o.o

Me and Emelie :DD

Alex came and then we all went to the amusement park xD

Here we got me and Emelie laughing.... dunno why but... XD

To lazy to upload more and I only got... 16 photoes... b/c Elin don't want to send any and Alex is uploading his photos tomorrow .___.'' so yeah... xD
I also bought a white cap with silver stuff on it (like the dollar-symbol etc) xD and a t-shirt :)

fredag 1 oktober 2010

Tomorrow ♥

Watching this little cute thing and want the time to go faster!!!

And also I'm soon done with the painting I started this morning! :3 But I have to wait until Tuesday cuz I don't have a black promarker...... D: need it to Satoshis and Ryos hair + Ryos glove xD
This is originally made by my friend Elena... or... the "base"/modell is made by her :3 cuz she was near throwing it away but I "stole" it from her (a) but she said it was okay xD but mostly everything on the picture is made by me xD
And SORRY! D: I know Ryo looks TOO girly T____T and Satoshi is too tall.......... D: