söndag 10 oktober 2010

Hello f(x)

Right now I'm watching Hello f(x) b/c I'm bored... and it's so fun! :3
They're learning thai in this episode I'm watching and did you know that on the internet people from thailand write "5555555" as "hahahaha" cuz 5 is ha in thai! xD
I love language! :D I dunno why I just do xD I'm trying to learn thai, japanese and korean :3

Thai is because I wanna talk it with Tanya and Am :D I only know "Sawatdee" (=Hello) and "Kupkoon" (=Thanks) xD and I also know this about "krahp" (=male) and "kha" (=female), but I wanna learn more!

Japanese I know.. kinda alot actually o.o or well.. I know some words and some sentences but yeahh... got alot more to learn x__x But I know like... "Aishiteru" (=I love you), "Konnichiwa" (=Hello/good day), "konbanwa" (=good evning), "ohayo" (=good morning), "tadaima" (=I'm home), "itadakimasu" (=Thanks for the meal [says it before you start eating]) and a lot more... xD

Korean is well.. actually kinda hard o.o some words are difficult to say xD but I know "Annyeong" (=Hello), "Saranghaeyo" (=I love you), "mianhe" (=I'm sorry), "weh" (=why), "neh" (=yes), "kamsahamnida" (=Thank you), "na begopa" (=I'm hungry) and some more words xD

This was kind of a waste post... xD But as I said in the beginning.. I'm bored! xDD

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