torsdag 30 september 2010
onsdag 29 september 2010
FF and Teen Top-addicted!
And I've been listening/watching alot with Teen Top :3 started yesterday watching "Making the artist" and yeaahh... they really are euhm... still young xD
Anyway, I think I'll go play more Final Fantasy now and hope I'll not get nosebleed again D: got it before of no reason x___x
söndag 26 september 2010
Still sick...
fredag 24 september 2010
Hope your day was better than mine...
torsdag 23 september 2010
onsdag 22 september 2010
Read her blog! She'll be very happy!
Bai Bai!
And sorry for the baaad quality... XD
Rox - Scream!
I need to hear you voice
Scream! Scream high and loud!
I can only cry my tears
Scream! Cry! Whatever you like!
Just don't worry about me
Don't worry about me
(Just a "preview"... Not done with it yet... xD)
But I'm still angry cuz they deleted girugamesh first and then just put one album back... so "Music" is gone but "giruämesh" is still there... D:
Put they've also put some SuG songs too! :D there was only gr8 story, milk tune and G*E*T*G before! Now therss also Koakuma Sparkling, -kanon- and Five Starz -Gomaine Haiyuu- :D
Aaand theres An Cafe, D'espairsRay, Dir En Grey, 12012, Matenrou Opera, vistlip, DELUHI, DaizyStripper, Danger Gang, Sid, Ayabie and some more :D Just waiting to Alice Nine to come also! :3
It's a little fail video srsly... xD didn't know what to talk about... xDD
The Beautiful People~
Btw! This is the song me and Ludvig sang togheter yesterday! xD WE LOVE MM xD and the dance-teacher played this while we where watching the others to stuff... so we sat and sang and headbanged... xD
God morning~
anyway I'm alone home right now and I dunno what to do... D:
tisdag 21 september 2010
Anyway! I'll try to update somethings until tomorrow when I'll make the videoblog... which will be totally retarded... xD
But I think I'll update ONE more time today then I'll go to sleep.. we'll see... XD
90th post!
Anyway, today was the first time I talked to my Twinie, Josse by mobile phone! It was kinda nervous in the beginning but it ended that we spoke in 55 minutes.... xD we didn't have anything to say really... we just... talked! xDD but it was fun! :3 Hope we'll do it again soon! :DD
söndag 19 september 2010
Ohh yeah..?
Bye bye to Lisa!^^

lördag 18 september 2010
I'm So Bored With Me~
fredag 17 september 2010
Karasu - free [PREVIEW]
YAY!!!! Karasu's new single "free" is opening for the anime "Battle Spirits Brave" :3 So people! here's the opening version! :D It's awesome! But I actually like Lastica better.... xD
torsdag 16 september 2010
I'm back in black!
ANYWAY! Now I gotta sleep.............. tired as hell XD
Buy buy cycle! 8D
tisdag 14 september 2010
Here's my video I filmed! xD (You can see Alex leg and mobile sometimes... XD)
Anyway! Then after school I went to the library to te MangaMeetings! :D and DAMN XD we where a LOT today.. XD Lisa and Kyuu-chan cosplayed again! :D Lisa does SO fit as Naruto!! I'm supposed to be Sasuke but I havn't any clothes for that D: but Kyuu-chan is gonna make one for me when she got a new sewing machine xD she'll maybe buy mine xD
And ALSO! Tomorrow I'll probaby take new holes in my ear! :D With Monica! :D Hope we'll find a cheap place o.o and and then! I'll stay in Arvika after the school and be with Alex in some hour (I dunno...) and wait until MT comes! :D so we can play at the Music School! :D and then we'll pobably go to Solberga and be there under the "parents meeting" or whatever... xD and I'll go home with my mother! :D
Oh, my... a LONG post today.... xD Sorry (a) and btw, here's a picture of some of the MiPiFiKi Cosplay Club members! :D (You can see my retared face x____x)
söndag 12 september 2010
lördag 11 september 2010
I'm bored... so I'm watching videos with LM.C :D And stupid moments with little Maya XD
Srsly.. I can't see that Maya is 32 and Aiji 37 D: They still look like 17-19 or something X___x
torsdag 9 september 2010
The GazettE - RED
I love this song!!!! But just... It doesn't sound like Gazette anymore D: it's not the same D: But I still love them like hell! :3
onsdag 8 september 2010
We're teasing Alex cuz he's saying "asså" tooo much XD he havn't been saying it this much until this week XD and Emelie's "laugh-attacks" was soo funny!! XD
Anyway.. Right now I'm a little bit bored o.o and I'm wondering if we're going to dance later or not... my mom hasnt said anything to me O.o
No picture today... To lazy for that (a)
måndag 6 september 2010
New band!
Alex on guitar and vocal
MT on bas
And me on drums :3
This is soo gonna be awesome!! Alex got key to the musicschool so we can play there! :D I can play on their drums! :D Srsly this is so awesome!! :D
But we..... havn't figured out a name yet........ xDDD but It'll come soon :D me an Alex are gonna talk on school tomorrow!^^
söndag 5 september 2010
Miyavi's second child!
" hello~~~~
Hey people~~~
Thank you so much for all of your comments and messages congratulating Lovelie for her first birthday last month!!
Yes, she is one year old now and growing healthy everyday!!
At her one year health checkup, i found that she is actually kinda tall compared to children her age, but really skinny for her age too…. lol
She can walk across the room by herself now, and even says the word “daddy”!!
Its really cute~~~~^^*
Also, yes, the “rumor” is true, and I am expecting again!!!!!
We are so excited for the second baby!!!!
Lovelie will be an older sister soon!!!! I cant believe it!
I hope she will be an understanding older sister and play with the new baby a lot.
Well, i’ll write again~~~
Take care everybody!!! "
lördag 4 september 2010
The GazettE - RED [Preview]
This is a preview (which is not deleted.... yet .__.):
fredag 3 september 2010
Bored... BORDER! O_O
See you soon!~