onsdag 22 september 2010


It's awesome! They've finally put up Miyavi albums on Spotify!!! Finally!
But I'm still angry cuz they deleted girugamesh first and then just put one album back... so "Music" is gone but "giruämesh" is still there... D:
Put they've also put some SuG songs too! :D there was only gr8 story, milk tune and G*E*T*G before! Now therss also Koakuma Sparkling, -kanon- and Five Starz -Gomaine Haiyuu- :D

Aaand theres An Cafe, D'espairsRay, Dir En Grey, 12012, Matenrou Opera, vistlip, DELUHI, DaizyStripper, Danger Gang, Sid, Ayabie and some more :D Just waiting to Alice Nine to come also! :3

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