söndag 5 september 2010

Miyavi's second child!

YES! Miyavi and Melody are gonna have their second baby! :3 Lovelie is going to get a sister or a brother!!

He wrote this in a blogg entry:

" hello~~~~
Hey people~~~

Thank you so much for all of your comments and messages congratulating Lovelie for her first birthday last month!!
Yes, she is one year old now and growing healthy everyday!!
At her one year health checkup, i found that she is actually kinda tall compared to children her age, but really skinny for her age too…. lol
She can walk across the room by herself now, and even says the word “daddy”!!
Its really cute~~~~^^*

Also, yes, the “rumor” is true, and I am expecting again!!!!!
We are so excited for the second baby!!!!
Lovelie will be an older sister soon!!!! I cant believe it!
I hope she will be an understanding older sister and play with the new baby a lot.

Well, i’ll write again~~~
Take care everybody!!! "

I'm sooo happy for you Miyavi!! Hope Lovelie will like her new play-mate! :D And I hope it'll be a boy! :3

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