tisdag 14 september 2010


This day has been awesomelly (?) fun :D Been with Alex, Izza and their friend Linnea :D and yeah.. xD first up, Izza went angry on Linnea and Alex (for some reason that I don't remember.. XD) and yeah I walked around with Alex and Linnea XD until we went to the cafeteria, cuz Izza was there and then Linneas boyfriend came... XD then me and Alex desided to stalk on them >8D

Here's my video I filmed! xD (You can see Alex leg and mobile sometimes... XD)

Anyway! Then after school I went to the library to te MangaMeetings! :D and DAMN XD we where a LOT today.. XD Lisa and Kyuu-chan cosplayed again! :D Lisa does SO fit as Naruto!! I'm supposed to be Sasuke but I havn't any clothes for that D: but Kyuu-chan is gonna make one for me when she got a new sewing machine xD she'll maybe buy mine xD

And ALSO! Tomorrow I'll probaby take new holes in my ear! :D With Monica! :D Hope we'll find a cheap place o.o and and then! I'll stay in Arvika after the school and be with Alex in some hour (I dunno...) and wait until MT comes! :D so we can play at the Music School! :D and then we'll pobably go to Solberga and be there under the "parents meeting" or whatever... xD and I'll go home with my mother! :D

Oh, my... a LONG post today.... xD Sorry (a) and btw, here's a picture of some of the MiPiFiKi Cosplay Club members! :D (You can see my retared face x____x)

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