lördag 7 augusti 2010

Arvika Hamnfestival! #2

It was AWESOME yesterday! The Baseballs where srsly soo good that my friend Emma started to love them! XD
My brother got one of their towels they throwed out to the public! :D And he actually haven't liked them before but b/c of that he started to like them XD I was kinda jealous of him! D: I wanted it!! XD
I stood in the middle of EVERYTHING XD about... 3-4 meters from the stage, and we went backwards.. XD everyone pushed around each other XD but it was really fun to jump around, singing along and screaming! XD
And then we where supposed to watch Björn Rosenström but Sandra went ill so she and Emma went home :( And I didn't wanted to ALONE so I went to my mom and dad XD and my dad was cold as ice and freezed like yeah... ALOT soo.. we only watched two songs of Björn Rosenström XD He played "En gång är ingen gång"!! *happy* I love that song! XD

And today I almost couldn't talk when I woke up XD Yesterday's screaming and singing was to much for my voice I suppose... XD
But I helped my mother with coloring the porch today :D it was a pain in the butt cuz of the sun X___x

The bracelet I got from the Hamnfestival! :D + a black one and my rainbow :3 love it >w<

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