lördag 14 augusti 2010

Next week plans!

I only got one plan for next week (last week on my summer vacation!!! D: ) and well.. on thuesday I'm going to the Manga-meetings :D but I'll go to the city earlier to meet up with one of my best friends MT :D (I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!) and I have to go and change the belt I got from Lisa to a bigger one... the one I got was TOO smal for me.. XD

But anyway, MT has buyed me something O_O late b-day present she said and she said also that I'll like it o.o I wanna knooow!! XD Pleaaase can't it be thuesday soon! XD

I am a VERY bored girl with noo life... but please watch this anyway (a)
Ruki's little problems:

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