tisdag 17 augusti 2010


Now I'm home from the mangameetings! :D
Had so much fun! Meet three newies XD Malin (The Swedish Kyuubi >8D), Joyce (Romys twin sister, damn they're soo alike each other -___-) and Jessy's little brother (don't remember his name.. damn.. XD) :D we had a lot of fun!

Anna, Jessy's brother and Jessy with Joyce in the way XD, Monica and Malin :D
and you can see Romy's hair XD

Malin (Kyuubi ;3) and MT :D

Romy! :D


The little "card" MT made for me :D This is the front!^^

And this is the back of it :3
And this is the final picture! The present! A MOSHI MOSHI RAINBOW! :3 THANKS MT! It's soooo cute *___*

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