måndag 23 augusti 2010

First day!

Today was the first day of school! And it was... well okay but not what I expected...^^'
First of all: I was alone all the time.. so boring XD cuz I was to shy to be with Izza and her friends and she was scared of me cuz I looked like "...." al the time.. XD sorry XD
anyway this week will look kinda like this:

Tu-day: Dancing with the class and other stuff XD nothing more rly..
Wed-day: We're going to "Körselvika" XD hope for good weather...
Thi-day: We'll get our keys to our lockers and that stuff XD
Fr-day: "Sverige klassikern"... dasmn so boring... I'm so not gonna bicycle D: cuz my bicycle are to smal.. XD and I'm to lazy XD soo I'll be thaking a long walk with Lisa, Romy and others :3

Well that's all I guess.. XD And tomorrow I'll go to the MangaMeetings :3 Damn MT will come one hour late cuz of the school T___T


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